
I am in a very unhappy state.

So upset right now.
My legs are not helping me.
I have been training / learning to "kick" for more than 2 years, but still cannot manage it. Now I am really upset that I see new comers do it better than me in a very short period of time. My legs' condition are getting worse. 

Although I should let it be and think positively as advised though tarot card reading, my legs are dragging me down. 

Sad that things not only go the way you want, but I have no power to make it right.

Sad face ..... Alone on Sunday night.


自己的決定 背著包袱 也要穩穩的踏上

台客傳-- 路是自己走出來的~ 好!我承認 我有超級蘿蔔腿 ä ö ü Ö Ä Ü ß
